Archive for the
‘Tax’ Category

Tax Time 2023 ATO Processing Dates The ATO will start full processing of tax returns on the 7th of July 2023 with refunds being released from the 16th July 2023. Please be aware that to ensure you receive your full entitled refund, all your income is declared. Most importantly, ensure your income statement is finalised [...]
Tax Time 2023 - In Business Know your important dates 30 June Super guarantee contributions must be paid by this date to qualify for a tax deduction in the 2022–2023 financial year. 14 July Submit finalised STP Report (if you pay employees) 28 July Lodge your Q4 BAS 29 August TPAR Businesses and government entities [...]
Tax Time 2022   Wilson Colman is full steam ahead, setting up for the fast-approaching 2022 Tax Season. After 16 years with us and almost 10 years as a partner, John Day will be retiring as a partner on 30 June 2022. You will still get to say goodbye during the next 6 months as [...]
Year-End Checklist Income Income Statements are required to be finalised by 14 July and will be accessible on MyGov once finalised. Eligible Termination Payment (ETP) statements. Commonwealth of Australia Government Allowances statements for payments like Newstart, Youth Allowance and Austudy payment statements. Pension or Annuity statements. Details of interest earned on bank accounts including joint [...]
Tax Time 30 June 2021 Welcome to our revamped website and a new space for your annual newsletter.  We anticipate more communication with you via this website.  Take a look around and check out what other services we offer. Covid-19 changed the world in which we live however, one thing remains the same, Tax Time.  [...]